Heritage Baptist Church
773 Ville Marie Drive, Marystown, NL
Phone: 709-279-0977
Email: hbcmarystown@gmail.com
HomeAbout UsWatchGiveCAMP! 2024

If you would like to give to the Lord through the ministry of Heritage Baptist Church, there are three ways you can do so...

We are a registered charity. We will make a record of your donation and will provide you with a charitable donations receipt for income tax purposes.
1. If you join us for our in-person worship services, we can provide you with an envelope which you can place your offering in and then place it in our secure offering box.

2. You can send it by mail to:

Heritage Baptist Church
POB 477, Creston, NL
A0E 1K0

3. You can e-transfer the funds to us by using our church email addresshbcmarystown@gmail.com
Your donation will be deposited automatically into our church bank account and we do not require a password.